Page name: Help the Pitbull [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-05-09 07:26:35
Last author: Amaranthine
Owner: Amaranthine
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I had to do a research paper for my english 102 class and I saw this floating around myspace so I had to investigate and turned it into my research paper. I am a HUGE animal lover and I'm especially passionate towards dogs so I had to share this with you.

Against it.
  This is about California legislation being passed to exterminate pit bulls. They want to ban the entire breed because of so many pit bull attacks that have occured. But it isn't because the dog is a pit bull that makes it vicious. We all know that the dog turns out the way it is because of how its owner treats it. Someone has to try to make a difference...what if it were your pet?


My pit bull paper

Show us your pit bull!

Origin of the Pit bull

The REAL pit bull

True pit bull facts


More extras coming soon.


[I only made this wiki to show you the pictures that not all pit bulls are bad. I was also hoping to inspire some people.]



























This has to be stopped. We need to save these dogs.

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2007-04-16 [Phantomhive]: I agree! save the pitbulls. Even though I'm scared of pitbulls. But no dog should be put to sleep because of their breed.

2007-04-18 [DRACE]: you know what is stupid about the whole thing, I feel that they are taking int out on the pitbulls cause they can't take it out on black people no more

2007-04-20 [Amaranthine]: I did a whole research paper about it for my english 102 class in college. I'm going to put it up as soon as I'm finished with it. It has stories and such in it about how there are other breeds of dogs just as dangerous and yet the only breed getting punished for it is the pit bull.

2007-04-21 [dun lovin]: Pitbulls when lined up with all the other breeds of dogs are third from the bottom the poodles and anotehr type of dog are at the top. You should have a wiki for people to put pictures of their pits up. I know my friend would add the pictures of her pits. I agree though we do need to save these dogs. It's funny isn't it? We are taught all throughout school that racism is bad and discrimination is bad, but isn't that what this is? It's discrimination and racism because of the fact that they are pin pointing only pitbulls. My friend loves all dogs and animals alike, she's gotten attacked by dogs many times and she doesn't care she still loves them she's just more cautious around people's dogs. Also on the topic of pits biting people, it's usually because they are provoked, most dogs will bite if provoked or if you are on their territory.

2007-04-22 [Amaranthine]: Good idea! Here's where people can post up pictures of their friendly pit bulls Show us your pit bull!

2007-04-24 [B-Raz]: OH MY GOD I love this :D i've heard about this bill once but I thought they were just talking about random stuff I didn't think they'd actully do it so just tell me how and i'll help :)

2007-04-25 [Amaranthine]: Is it just me...or are all the pictures NOT appearing? If you can't see all the pictures please tell me. Sometimes my computer views them and then other times it won't.

2007-04-25 [DRACE]: I've put this wiki on my wiki list on my wiki I won't forget you

2007-04-25 [Amaranthine]: ok cool

2007-04-30 [somethingwarm]: The white dog in the pic with the handicap kid is a dogo aye?

2007-05-01 [Waiting for Death]: What makes me laugh is people talk about how racism and discrimination are over and done with for the most part, but isn't this discrimination? I mean think about it, getting rid of a breed just because people report pit bites more than a cross-breed etc. Why not destroy all Roosters too? People use them for fighting as well, more than pits now-a-days. I love my dogs and I don't care what people say, if they want me to get rid of my dogs they'll have to kill me first, all of my friends feel the same way.

2007-05-01 [Waiting for Death]: B.T.W Manda and I still want to read the paper :)

2007-05-01 [somethingwarm]: Because roosters don't kill people duh.

2007-05-01 [Amaranthine]: Don't worry. I got my paper back in class. My teacher revised it and such and all I have to do is make the changes and then I'll put it up. I just procrastinate a little since the final paper isn't due until May 8th. But I do want to put it up.

2007-05-01 [Amaranthine]: Lol I believe in Mexico they fight mustangs (horses) in a cruel way too along with pit bulls, roosters, and various other dogs.

2007-05-01 [Amaranthine]: [somethingwarm] what do you mean if the white dog is a "dogo" did you mean dog? Yes it is a dog. What else does it look like?

2007-05-01 [somethingwarm]: No a dogo. Dogo Argentino. Argentinean mastiff.

2007-05-01 [Amaranthine]: Oh. Hmm...maybe. I don't know. I didn't make these pictures. I only found them and they inspired me to research. But it does kind of look like one I suppose. The head is shapped differently.

2007-05-02 [somethingwarm]: I'm not a complete retard. But I guess if you don't know what a dogo is you can't really answer the question. Lol.

2007-05-02 [Amaranthine]: I do know what an Argentinean mastiff is. But I've never heard of it with the word "dogo" in front of it.

2007-05-02 [somethingwarm]: Oh the proper name is dogo argentino. Mostly we call them dogos. It's the argintine name anyway.

2007-05-02 [Amaranthine]: lol just like the west highland WHITE terrier. The word "white" isn't really neceessary since westies only come in white (I should know I have one) but its the proper name of the breed.

2007-05-06 [somethingwarm]: I think white is part of the breed name because they only come in white. We just call them westies. It cracked me up coz westies is a name for certaing kinds of people round here too

2007-05-06 [Amaranthine]: My Westie Lexy is my best friend.

2007-05-06 [somethingwarm]: I have a staffy type mutt. He's awesome.

2007-05-06 [somethingwarm]: <img:>

2007-05-15 [Amaranthine]: For anyone who was interested. I put up my paper. My pit bull paper

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